Identification and Analysis of Corn Starch Granules using ImageProVision’s ipvPClass Software

IPV’s ipvPClass particle size analyser & classifier is a state-of-the-art particle size analyser that produces robust and reproducible data for particle size & shape analysis.

Starch is one of the most abundant carbohydrates in the plant world. We have studied and successfully characterised Corn Starch granules using the ipvPClass software.

In the laboratory, we have used polarizing filters to transmit polarized light and view the centric and distinct intersecting lines of Corn Starch granules under the conditions of cross-polarization. All the particle analysis and characterization are done using the ipvPClass software, exhibiting all the individual morphological particle details in the report.

  • Sample: 

Corn starch.

  • Description: 

Starch is a major source of our daily diet and it is important to understand the molecular structure that plays a significant role in its wide number of applications. It is an important polymeric carbohydrate found in rice, maize, corn, potato etc. The morphology of the granule depends on its biological origin. The granules may present individually or a cluster composition and is insoluble in cold water and in alcohol. Corn starch is a white, tasteless, odourless powder used in food processing, papermaking, and the production of industrial adhesives. It is also a component of many cosmetics and oral pharmaceutical products.

  • Identification: 

Starch granules appears either as angular polyhedral granules of irregular sizes with diameters ranging from about 2µm to about 23µm or as rounded or spheroidal granules of irregular sizes with diameters ranging from about 25µm to about 35μm. The central hilum consists of a distinct cavity or two to five rayed cleft, and there are no concentric striations. Between orthogonally oriented polarizing plates or prisms, the starch granules show a distinct black cross intersecting at the hilum. 

  • Objective: 

To achieve the intersecting lines which is present at the hilum of the particles. 

  • Sample preparation: 

Sample is prepared using this procedure-


  1. Water 1ml + glycerin 1ml (1:1) is mixed in a 10ml beaker using spatula.

  2. Then take small amount of sample and mix it thoroughly to disperse the starch granules properly.

  3. With the help of dropper take a drop on a slide and put a cover slip and press the cover slip gently towards the drop so that the particles should get dispersed and take care to avoid entrapment of air bubbles.

  4.  Place the slide under the microscope, and observe using analyser and polarizer.

  5. Adjust the analyzer and polarizer properly, so that maximum contrast can be obtained.

  • Microscope setting:

 Images are captured using polarized light and not less than 20x magnification. Here images are taken on 40x magnification. Image in Fig 1 show particles illuminated with the dark field configurations, using analyser and polarizer. In Fig 2, image is captured without polarized light.

  • Software setting parameters which are used for the identification of Corn starch particles in ipvPClass software.

  • Images of Corn Starch Granules captured under 40X Magnification.

H:\Lupin Jammu Anupam\Corn Starch\40_Field_6.jpg


  • Below is the analysis report generated from ipvPClass software.

  • Conclusion:

Corn starch granules are suspended in glycerin and analysed under polarized light using 40X magnification. The granules are polygonal in shape and the average size of the particles is 16μ. The hilum (core of the grain) of all polygonal starch granules is centric and distinct intersecting lines (cross shaped) can be identified under polarized light. All the particle analysis and characterization is done using ipvPClass software, exhibiting all the particle details in the report.